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Monthly Archives: September 2018

Life With Chickens

We have chickens! This is a bit of a monumental occasion. First, we have never been allowed to have chickens in our prior neighborhoods. Second, these five ladies mean that the girls finally outnumber the boys in our house. Hey, I take what I can get! We did the exact…


Change is hard. Sometimes it hits you in the face like a cement brick. Other times it is a memory that brings you gently back to another place. Either way, it ignites this slight pain in your heart of what was. Do you know what I mean? My family is…

The BEST Cinnamon Apple Bread

As I get older, I start to realize the importance of crossing items off my bucket list. After all, wasn’t that the motivation that led us to move from our hometown of Jacksonville (population almost one million) to Bell Buckle (population around 500)? It was the idea that…

Bell Buckle, TN…..A Hidden Treasure

Welcome to Historic Bell Buckle, TN! It is our new hometown and we could not love it more. There are thousands of reasons everyone should visit this little gem of a town. When you arrive out of the hustle and bustle of surrounding cities like Nashville and Murfreesboro, it truly…